100+ History MCQs for NDA

History MCQs for NDA: Hello NDA aspirants! Are you looking for some best MCQ questions of History to boost your NDA preparation? You are at the right place.

NDA preparation requires the rigorous practice of questions to get familiar with exam patterns and manage time during the exam. If you are just reading your syllabus and not practising enough questions your selection might be in danger.

So to tackle all these problems, In today’s blog post we have bought you 100+ History MCQs for NDA preparation that you can use to enhance your NDA Preparation and fulfil your dream of becoming an Officer in the prestigious Indian Armed Forces. We will also provide the History MCQs for NDA PDF that you can download and take a printout to practice offline.

So here are 100+ History MCQs for NDA:

List of 100+ History MCQs for NDA

  1. Who was the first President of the United States?
    a) Thomas Jefferson
    b) George Washington
    c) Abraham Lincoln
    d) John Adams
  2. The French Revolution began in which year?
    a) 1776
    b) 1789
    c) 1804
    d) 1815
  3. The Treaty of Versailles was signed after which war?
    a) World War I
    b) World War II
    c) American Civil War
    d) Korean War
  4. Which ancient civilization built the Great Pyramids of Giza?
    a) Roman Empire
    b) Persian Empire
    c) Egyptian Empire
    d) Greek Empire
  5. Who wrote the Communist Manifesto?
    a) Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels
    b) Vladimir Lenin
    c) Joseph Stalin
    d) Leon Trotsky
  6. The Industrial Revolution began in which country?
    a) France
    b) England
    c) Germany
    d) United States
  7. Who was the first person to sail around the world?
    a) Vasco da Gama
    b) Christopher Columbus
    c) Ferdinand Magellan
    d) James Cook
  8. The Berlin Wall, which divided East and West Germany, fell in which year?
    a) 1989
    b) 1961
    c) 1975
    d) 1991
  9. Who was the leader of the Soviet Union during World War II?
    a) Vladimir Lenin
    b) Mikhail Gorbachev
    c) Joseph Stalin
    d) Nikita Khrushchev
  10. The Renaissance was a period of cultural and intellectual growth that originated in which country?
    a) Italy
    b) England
    c) Spain
    d) France
  11. The Battle of Waterloo was fought in which year?
    a) 1805
    b) 1815
    c) 1799
    d) 1820
  12. Who was the first Prime Minister of India?
    a) Jawaharlal Nehru
    b) Indira Gandhi
    c) Rajiv Gandhi
    d) Mahatma Gandhi
  13. The American Declaration of Independence was adopted in which year?
    a) 1776
    b) 1789
    c) 1812
    d) 1861
  14. The Magna Carta, signed in 1215, limited the power of which English monarch?
    a) Henry VIII
    b) Richard III
    c) William the Conqueror
    d) King John
  15. Who was the leader of the Civil Rights Movement in the United States?
    a) Rosa Parks
    b) Martin Luther King Jr.
    c) Malcolm X
    d) Harriet Tubman
  16. Which country was responsible for the construction of the Panama Canal?
    a) United States
    b) France
    c) Spain
    d) England
  17. The Opium Wars were fought between China and which other country?
    a) Japan
    b) United States
    c) France
    d) United Kingdom
  18. Who was the first European explorer to reach India by sea?
    a) Vasco da Gama
    b) Christopher Columbus
    c) Ferdinand Magellan
    d) James Cook
  19. The American Civil War was fought between which two sides?
    a) North and South Korea
    b) Allies and Axis powers
    c) Union and Confederacy
    d) Protestants and Catholics
  20. The Bolshevik Revolution led to the establishment of which country?
    a) Germany
    b) Italy
    c) Soviet Union
    d) France
  21. The Holocaust, during World War II, targeted which group of people?
    a) Jews
    b) Muslims
    c) Christians
    d) Buddhists
  22. Who wrote the book “1984”?
    a) George Orwell
    b) Aldous Huxley
    c) F. Scott Fitzgerald
    d) J.R.R. Tolkien
  23. The Treaty of Tordesillas divided the New World between which two countries?
    a) Spain and Portugal
    b) France and England
    c) United States and Mexico
    d) Germany and Austria
  24. The ancient city of Troy was located in which modern-day country?
    a) Greece
    b) Turkey
    c) Egypt
    d) Italy
  25. The Treaty of Ghent ended which war?
    a) American Revolutionary War
    b) War of 1812
    c) American Civil War
    d) French and Indian War
  26. Who was the leader of the Soviet Union during the Cuban Missile Crisis?
    a) Vladimir Lenin
    b) Joseph Stalin
    c) Mikhail Gorbachev
    d) Nikita Khrushchev
  27. The Hundred Years’ War was fought between which two countries?
    a) France and England
    b) Spain and Portugal
    c) Germany and Austria
    d) Italy and Greece
  28. The Treaty of Paris, signed in 1783, recognized the independence of which country?
    a) United States
    b) France
    c) Spain
    d) England
  29. Who was the first female Prime Minister of India?
    a) Sonia Gandhi
    b) Indira Gandhi
    c) Margaret Thatcher
    d) Golda Meir
  30. The Treaty of Nanking ended which conflict?
    a) Opium Wars
    b) Boxer Rebellion
    c) Korean War
    d) Vietnam War
  31. The Boxer Rebellion took place in which country?
    a) China
    b) Japan
    c) Korea
    d) Vietnam
  32. Who was the first African American President of the United States?
    a) Barack Obama
    b) Martin Luther King Jr.
    c) Malcolm X
    d) Nelson Mandela
  33. The Eiffel Tower is located in which city?
    a) Paris
    b) London
    c) Rome
    d) Berlin
  34. Who was the first person to set foot on the moon?
    a) Neil Armstrong
    b) Buzz Aldrin
    c) Yuri Gagarin
    d) Alan Shepard
  35. The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, signed in 1848, ended which war?
    a) American Revolutionary War
    b) Mexican-American War
    c) Spanish-American War
    d) Civil War
  36. The Emancipation Proclamation, issued by President Abraham Lincoln, freed the slaves in which country?
    a) United States
    b) England
    c) France
    d) Canada
  37. The Battle of Stalingrad, a turning point in World War II, was fought between which two countries?
    a) Germany and France
    b) United States and Japan
    c) Soviet Union and Germany
    d) Italy and Greece
  38. Who is considered the “Father of the Indian

Independence Movement”?
a) Mohandas Gandhi
b) Jawaharlal Nehru
c) Subhas Chandra Bose
d) Bhagat Singh

  1. The Treaty of Paris of 1763 ended which war?
    a) French and Indian War
    b) American Revolutionary War
    c) American Civil War
    d) War of 1812
  2. Who was the first Emperor of Rome?
    a) Julius Caesar
    b) Augustus Caesar
    c) Nero
    d) Constantine
  3. The Battle of Hastings took place in which year?
    a) 1066
    b) 1215
    c) 1347
    d) 1492
  4. The Vietnam War lasted from which years?
    a) 1945-1950
    b) 1954-1962
    c) 1961-1975
    d) 1980-1988
  5. Who was the leader of the Nazi Party in Germany?
    a) Adolf Hitler
    b) Joseph Stalin
    c) Benito Mussolini
    d) Francisco Franco
  6. The Renaissance was a period of rebirth of interest in which of the following?
    a) Science and technology
    b) Art and literature
    c) Religion and Philosophy
    d) Political and economic systems
  7. Who discovered penicillin?
    a) Alexander Fleming
    b) Louis Pasteur
    c) Marie Curie
    d) Albert Einstein
  8. The Mughal Empire reached its peak under the rule of which emperor?
    a) Akbar
    b) Shah Jahan
    c) Aurangzeb
    d) Babur
  9. The Marshall Plan was introduced to provide aid to which region after World War II?
    a) Europe
    b) Africa
    c) Asia
    d) Middle East
  10. Who was the first female Prime Minister of the United Kingdom?
    a) Theresa May
    b) Angela Merkel
    c) Margaret Thatcher
    d) Queen Elizabeth II
  11. The Great Wall of China was built during the reign of which dynasty?
    a) Ming Dynasty
    b) Qing Dynasty
    c) Han Dynasty
    d) Tang Dynasty
  12. Who assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand, leading to the outbreak of World War I?
    a) Gavrilo Princip
    b) Adolf Hitler
    c) Benito Mussolini
    d) Joseph Stalin
  13. The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, signed in 1918, ended which country’s involvement in World War I?
    a) Germany
    b) United Kingdom
    c) France
    d) Russia
  14. The League of Nations was established after which war?
    a) World War I
    b) World War II
    c) Cold War
    d) Korean War
  15. Who was the first President of South Africa after the end of apartheid?
    a) Nelson Mandela
    b) F.W. de Klerk
    c) Jacob Zuma
    d) Thabo Mbeki
  16. The Treaty of Westphalia, signed in 1648, ended which war?
    a) Thirty Years’ War
    b) Hundred Years’ War
    c) Seven Years’ War
    d) Napoleonic Wars
  17. The Indian Rebellion of 1857, also known as the Sepoy Mutiny, was a major uprising against which colonial power?
    a) British Empire
    b) French Empire
    c) Dutch Empire
    d) Portuguese Empire
  18. The Cold War was a period of geopolitical tension between which two superpowers?
    a) United States and Soviet Union
    b) United States and China
    c) United States and United Kingdom
    d) Soviet Union and China
  19. Who was the last Queen of France before the French Revolution?
    a) Marie Antoinette
    b) Catherine de’ Medici
    c) Joan of Arc
    d) Queen Victoria
  20. The Treaty of Lisbon, signed in 2007, reformed which organization?
    a) United Nations
    b) European Union
    c) NATO
    d) ASEAN
  21. The Treaty of Tilsit, signed in 1807, was an agreement between which two leaders?
    a) Napoleon Bonaparte and Tsar Alexander I
    b) Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin
    c) Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini
    d) Franklin D. Roosevelt and Winston Churchill
  22. Who wrote the book “The Prince”?
    a) Niccolò Machiavelli
    b) Plato
    c) Aristotle
    d) Thomas Hobbes
  23. The Reformation was a religious movement that began in which century?
    a) 14th century
    b) 15th century
    c) 16th century
    d) 17th century
  24. Who was the first Emperor of China?
    a) Qin Shi Huang
    b) Confucius
    c) Sun Tzu
    d) Laozi
  25. The Treaty of Ghent ended which conflict?
    a) War of 1812
    b) American Revolutionary War
    c) American Civil War
    d) French and Indian War
  26. Who was the leader of the Allied forces during World War II?
    a) Dwight D. Eisenhower
    b) Franklin D. Roosevelt
    c) Winston Churchill
    d) Joseph Stalin
  27. The Salem witch trials took place in which colony?
    a) Massachusetts
    b) Virginia
    c) Pennsylvania
    d) New York
  28. Who was the leader of the Bolshevik Party during the Russian Revolution?
    a) Vladimir Lenin
    b) Joseph Stalin
    c) Leon Trotsky
    d) Mikhail Gorbachev
  29. The Treaty of Paris of 1783 recognized the independence of which country?
    a) United States
    b) France
    c) Spain
    d) England
  30. Who was the first Emperor of Japan?
    a) Hirohito
    b) Meiji
    c) Akihito
    d) Naruhito
  31. The War of 1812 between the United States and Britain was fought primarily over issues related to which country?
    a) Canada
    b) Mexico
    c) Cuba
    d) Spain
  32. The Magna Carta, signed in 1215, established the principle of which of the following?
    a) Rule of law
    b) Divine right of kings
    c) Absolute monarchy
    d) Feudalism
  33. Who was the first Prime Minister of the United Kingdom?
    a) Robert Walpole
    b) Winston Churchill
    c) Margaret Thatcher
    d) Tony Blair
  34. The Suez Canal, connecting the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea, was built in which century?
    a) 19th century
    b) 18th century
    c) 17th century
    d) 20th century
  35. The Treaty of Paris, signed in

1783, officially ended which war?
a) American Revolutionary War
b) French and Indian War
c) War of 1812
d) American Civil War

  1. Who was the first female Prime Minister of the United Kingdom?
    a) Margaret Thatcher
    b) Queen Elizabeth II
    c) Theresa May
    d) Angela Merkel
  2. The Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 led to the establishment of which country?
    a) Soviet Union
    b) Germany
    c) France
    d) Italy
  3. The Berlin Wall, which divided East and West Germany, fell in which year?
    a) 1989
    b) 1961
    c) 1975
    d) 1991
  4. Who was the leader of the Civil Rights Movement in the United States?
    a) Martin Luther King Jr.
    b) Rosa Parks
    c) Malcolm X
    d) Harriet Tubman
  5. The Treaty of Versailles, signed in 1919, officially ended which war?
    a) World War I
    b) World War II
    c) Korean War
    d) Vietnam War
  6. Who was the leader of the Soviet Union during World War II?
    a) Joseph Stalin
    b) Vladimir Lenin
    c) Mikhail Gorbachev
    d) Nikita Khrushchev
  7. The Renaissance was a period of cultural and intellectual growth that originated in which country?
    a) Italy
    b) England
    c) Spain
    d) France
  8. Who was the first President of the United States?
    a) George Washington
    b) Thomas Jefferson
    c) Abraham Lincoln
    d) John Adams
  9. The French Revolution began in which year?
    a) 1789
    b) 1776
    c) 1804
    d) 1815
  10. The Industrial Revolution began in which country?
    a) England
    b) France
    c) Germany
    d) United States
  11. Who was the first person to sail around the world?
    a) Ferdinand Magellan
    b) Vasco da Gama
    c) Christopher Columbus
    d) James Cook
  12. The Opium Wars were fought between China and which other country?
    a) United Kingdom
    b) France
    c) Japan
    d) United States
  13. Who was the first European explorer to reach India by sea?
    a) Vasco da Gama
    b) Christopher Columbus
    c) Ferdinand Magellan
    d) James Cook
  14. The Battle of Waterloo was fought in which year?
    a) 1815
    b) 1805
    c) 1799
    d) 1820
  15. The American Declaration of Independence was adopted in which year?
    a) 1776
    b) 1789
    c) 1812
    d) 1861
  16. The Treaty of Nanking ended which conflict?
    a) Opium Wars
    b) Boxer Rebellion
    c) Korean War
    d) Vietnam War
  17. The Hundred Years’ War was fought between which two countries?
    a) France and England
    b) Spain and Portugal
    c) Germany and Austria
    d) Italy and Greece
  18. The Renaissance was a period of rebirth of interest in which of the following?
    a) Art and literature
    b) Science and technology
    c) Religion and Philosophy
    d) Political and economic systems
  19. Who was the leader of the Nazi Party in Germany?
    a) Adolf Hitler
    b) Joseph Stalin
    c) Benito Mussolini
    d) Francisco Franco
  20. Who was the first female Prime Minister of India?
    a) Indira Gandhi
    b) Sonia Gandhi
    c) Margaret Thatcher
    d) Golda Meir
  21. The Treaty of Tordesillas divided the New World between which two countries?
    a) Spain and Portugal
    b) France and England
    c) United States and Mexico
    d) Germany and Austria
  22. The American Civil War was fought between which two sides?
    a) Union and Confederacy
    b) North and South Korea
    c) Allies and Axis powers
    d) Protestants and Catholics
  23. The Bolshevik Revolution led to the establishment of which country?
    a) Soviet Union
    b) Germany
    c) Italy
    d) France
  24. The Holocaust, during World War II, targeted which group of people?
    a) Jews
    b) Muslims
    c) Christians
    d) Buddhists
  25. The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, signed in 1848, ended which war?
    a) Mexican-American War
    b) American Revolutionary War
    c) Spanish-American War
    d) Civil War
  26. The Emancipation Proclamation, issued by President Abraham Lincoln, freed the slaves in which country?
    a) United States
    b) England
    c) France
    d) Canada
  27. The Reformation was a religious movement that began in which century?
    a) 16th century
    b) 14th century
    c) 15th century
    d) 17th century
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Answer Key

  1. b) George Washington
  2. b) 1789
  3. a) World War I
  4. c) Egyptian Empire
  5. a) Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels
  6. b) England
  7. c) Ferdinand Magellan
  8. a) 1989
  9. c) Joseph Stalin
  10. a) Italy
  11. b) 1815
  12. a) Jawaharlal Nehru
  13. a) 1776
  14. d) King John
  15. b) Martin Luther King Jr.
  16. a) United States
  17. a) United Kingdom
  18. a) Vasco da Gama
  19. c) Union and Confederacy
  20. c) Soviet Union
  21. a) Jews
  22. a) George Orwell
  23. a) Spain and Portugal
  24. b) Turkey
  25. b) War of 1812
  26. d) Nikita Khrushchev
  27. a) France and England
  28. a) United States
  29. b) Indira Gandhi
  30. a) Opium Wars
  31. a) China
  32. a) Barack Obama
  33. a) Paris
  34. a) Neil Armstrong
  35. b) Mexican-American War
  36. a) United States
  37. c) Soviet Union and Germany
  38. a) Mohandas Gandhi
  39. b) American Revolutionary War
  40. b) Augustus Caesar
  41. a) 1066
  42. c) 1961-1975
  43. a) Adolf Hitler
  44. b) Art and literature
  45. a) Alexander Fleming
  46. a) Akbar
  47. a) Europe
  48. c) Margaret Thatcher
  49. a) Ming Dynasty
  50. a) Gavrilo Princip
  51. d) Russia
  52. a) World War I
  53. a) Nelson Mandela
  54. a) Thirty Years’ War
  55. a) British Empire
  56. a) United States and Soviet Union
  57. a) Marie Antoinette
  58. b) European Union
  59. a) Napoleon Bonaparte and Tsar Alexander I
  60. a) Niccolò Machiavelli
  61. c) 16th century
  62. a) Qin Shi Huang
  63. b) War of 1812
  64. a) Dwight D. Eisenhower
  65. a) Massachusetts
  66. a) Vladimir Lenin
  67. a) United States
  68. b) Meiji
  69. a) Canada
  70. a) Rule of law
  71. a) Robert Walpole
  72. a) 19th century
  73. a) American Revolutionary War
  74. a) Margaret Thatcher
  75. a) Soviet Union
  76. a) 1989
  77. a) Martin Luther King Jr.
  78. a) World War I
  79. a) Joseph Stalin
  80. a) Italy
  81. b) George Washington
  82. b) 1789
  83. a) England
  84. a) Ferdinand Magellan
  85. a) United Kingdom
  86. a) Vasco da Gama
  87. a) 1815
  88. a) 1776
  89. a) Opium Wars
  90. a) France and England
  91. b) Art and literature
  92. a) Adolf Hitler
  93. b) Indira Gandhi
  94. a) Spain and Portugal
  95. c) Union and Confederacy
  96. a) Soviet Union
  97. a) Jews
  98. a) Mexican-American War
  99. a) United States
  100. a) 16th century
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