Gorkha regiment is one of the oldest and most popular regiments of the Indian army renowned for their bravery, loyalty, and exceptional military power. The regiment drove its name Gorkha from the ethnic Gorkha group of hilly areas of Nepal.
Gorkha Regiment: The most feared regiment of the Indian Army was so powerful that the British East India Company started to recognize them and began recruiting them. Since independence Gorkha regiment has been participating in so many wars including the Indo-Pak war. This regiment includes people from groups such as Gurungs, Magars, Rais, Limbus, and others.
One of the most attractive and catchy characteristics of this regiment is their distinctive uniform and the “Khukuri”– Knife carried by every soldier of the regiment and hence was recognized by Gorkha Regiment: The most feared regiment of the Indian Army. Even today, they have been playing a very vital, admirable, honorable role with their bravery and sacrifice.
Who are Gorkhas?
The term “Gorkha” and “Gorkhali” were synonymous with “Nepali” originating from the hilly area of western Nepal. Word Gorkha itself drives the meaning which is Go-Rakha means Protector(Rakha). Gorkhas are the people of Nepal who have been recruited for the last 200 years. Gurkhas are known as fearless in combat as they are good-natured in daily life. And till this day, they remain renowned for their loyalty, professionalism, and bravery.
Gorkhas have been served with distinction throughout the world and honored by “13 Victoria crosses” with bravery, honestly.
A famous Ex-Indian army officer(Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw) had said-
“If a man says he is not afraid of dying, he is either lying or he is a Gorkha”.
The Gorkhas selection process has been one of the toughest in the world and is fiercely contested.
More About Gorkha Regiment: The most feared regiment of the Indian Army
Impressed by the fighting qualities of the Gorkhas. The first battalion of the Gorkhas regiment called the “Nasiri” regiment was formed.
The Gorkhas took part in several wars- The Gurkha-Sikh War, the Second Anglo-Sikh War, Afghan wars. All Gorkha units remain steadfastly loyal, with the Nasiri, Sirmoor, and Kumaon battalions. After the independence, a pact was signed between India, Britain, and Nepal as Indian-Britain-Nepal Tripartite Agreement in 1947.
There were three battalions of the Royal Gorkha Regiment: one in Brunei, one in the 16 Air Assault Brigade in the UK, and the 3rd Battalion a Specialize Infantry Battalion. The Gorkha regiment is now considered the symbol of the enduring friendship and military alliance between Nepal and the United Kingdom. Their motto “Better to die than to be a coward” reflects their dedication to duty and indomitable spirit.
Currently, there are 39 battalions serving in 7 Gorkha regiments in the Indian Army. Six regiments were transferred from the British Indian Army, while one was formed after independence;
Here is the general outline of the structure-
- Regiment
- Battalion
- Company
- Platoon
- Section
Each Regiment’s structure has its own command and responsibilities. Higher-ranked officers plan the strategic guidance, while the lower-ranking soldiers carry out the day-to-day operations.
Regimental Centres:
Gorkha Regiment has several Regimental centers across India that are situated in different cities of India where the training, administration, and recruitment of Gorkha soldiers take place. Basically, there are 7 Gorkha Regimental centers that are recognized across major cities-
- 1 Gorkha Rifles (1 GR) – The Regimental Center for 1 Gorkha Rifles is located in Sabathu, Himachal Pradesh, India.
- 3 Gorkha Rifles (3 GR)-3 Gorkha Rifles Is located in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh.
- 4 Gorkha Rifles (4 GR)- 4 Gorkha Rifles is located in Sabathu, Himachal Pradesh.
- 5 Gorkha Rifles (5GR)- 5 Gorkha Rifles are present in Shillong, Meghalaya, India.
- 8 Gorkha Rifles (8 GR)- 8 Gorkha Rifles is located in Shillong, Meghalaya, India
- 9 Gorkha Rifles (9 GR) – The Regimental Center for 9 Gorkha Rifles is located in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India.
- 11 Gorkha Rifles (11 GR) – The Regimental Center for 11 Gorkha Rifles is located in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India.
Gorkha Hat:
Gorkhas Regiment are also recognized by their special type of hat which is associated with them for a reason. They use the Terai hat which is a type of slouch associated with the Gorkhas and named after the Terai region which is located in Nepal. It is made by fusing two hats and it is worn a little tilted to one side.

Why Gorkha Regiment is Most feared?
Highly Skilled in Warfare
- Cultural Heritage
They have a strong warrior tradition which is inbuilt within them at a very young age. From a very young age, they are exposed to deep physical training, martial arts, courage, and warrior ethos.
2. Physical Fitness and Endurance
They are exposed to rigorous physical training which includes running, climbing, and marching in uneven and difficult terrains.
3. Gurkha Khukuri
Gorkhas are equipped with a very sharp and blunt curved knife which is called Khukuri. It is not just a weapon but also a symbol of their identity.
4. Loyalty and Regimental Pride
Gorkhas have been very loyal and admirable for the Regiment they serve in. This loyalty fosters a strong bond among Gorkha soldiers, enhancing their effectiveness and cohesion in combat.
Unmatched Fitness Level
As they have a strong warrior tradition which is inherited in them at a very young age. Gorkha Regiment is renowned for its exceptional combat skills and physical prowess. They go through rigorous combat skills and physical training like running, climbing meditation, and many more other activities through which they gain ultimate power and strength.
Tough Selection Criteria
In order to be considered for a particular position, opportunity, or program Tough selection criteria are stringent requirements or standards that candidates must meet. Here is the list of the skills and the qualities a candidate must have-
- Academic excellence
- Experience and skills
- Leadership abilities
- Problem-Solving and Analytical Skills
- Communication and Interpersonal Skills
- Adaptability and Resilience
- Multilingual or Cross-Cultural Competence
- Physical Fitness and Health
Reputation as fearless warriors Gorkha Regiment: The most feared regiment of the Indian Army
Gorkhas are well known for their reputation for their sacrifice and their fearless behavior. Gurkhas are known to be as fearless in combat as they are good-natured in daily life. To this day, they remain renowned for their loyalty, professionalism, and bravery. They live with their motto -“Better to die than to be a coward“. The Gurkhas suffered 20,000 casualties and won almost 2,000 awards for gallantry in World War I.
In conclusion, the Gorkha Regiment is an esteemed military unit with a rich history and a reputation for bravery, loyalty, and professionalism.
Throughout its existence, the Gorkha Regiment has earned numerous accolades for its outstanding performance in combat, demonstrating exceptional courage and resilience on the battlefield.
Beyond their military achievements, the Gorkha Regiment has also fostered a strong sense of camaraderie and unity among its members and this is why Gorkha Regiment: The most feared regiment of the Indian Army.
The regiment has become a close-knit community, with soldiers from various ethnic backgrounds coming together under a common banner.